+233 55 947 0150


The benefits of taekwondo
Taekwondo brings great physical benefits, but also various values and skills that help temper the character of children.
This sport can become a way of life for those who practice it. It is an instrument for achieving physical and mental balance.

Physical benefits
• Improves muscle strength, as well as cardiovascular endurance.
• Increases elasticity, agility and flexibility.
• Helps develop coordination and balance capabilities.
• Provides control and knowledge of one’s body.
• Psychological and social benefits
• It promotes concentration and discipline.
• By mastering their body, they gain self-esteem and self-confidence. In addition, they will learn to interact with their environment more effectively.
• Important values such as honesty, loyalty, camaraderie, teamwork, respect and humility are fostered.
• It is an opportunity to foster cultural learning.
Through taekwondo, children have access to knowledge of customs, traditions and ways of thinking that are different from their own.



Kofi Koriey Ave,
No 3 East Airport,
23301 Accra, Ghana

Phone: +233 55 947 0150

Map Direction